Transtechnology Reader 2011/12


Reinstating the Visual

The second Transtechnology Research Reader, draws together the intellectual energies and insights generated by the seminar series in 2010/11 and gathers them up in the form of a boxed collection of ‘pamphlets’. The particular form of the Reader this time around not only responds to a perceived distinction between the needs of the individual author and the virtues of the dynamics of the collective context, but also emerges from the very core of our thinking during the 2010/11 seminar series.

The programme for 2010/11 ran under the title ‘Reinstating the Visual: Aby Warburg’s Mnemosyne Atlas’. Each monthly seminar, led by individuals represented here, used the shared focus of a single panel of Warburg’s Mnemosyne Atlas as a trigger for a presentation of their own research. The intention was to use the visual to stimulate and open up a transdisciplinary critique of all of our individual research projects: to facilitate multiple perspectives identifying new topics and concerns while retaining the direction and rigour of the primary research question.

Editorial Team: Flavia Amadeu, Rita Cachão, Edith Doove, Amanda Egbe, Joanna Griffin, Claudy Op den Kamp, Marcio Rocha and Martyn Woodward

Table of Contents:

Editorial with Introduction
by Michael Punt

Creativity And Emerging Knowledge: Intuitive Practice In Design And Crafts
by Flavia Amadeu

Ekphrasis And A Dynamic Mysticism In Art: Reflections On Henri Bergson’s Philosophy And Aby Warburg’s Mnemosyne Atlas
by Martha Blassnigg

Earth-Sky Cosmologies: A Reflection On Cosmology Through Human Practices (Part 1)
by Rita Cachao

Exploring The Curatorial As Creative Act: Part I – Hidden Similarities
by Edith Doove 

‘Imagine Being Slapped’ Physiological Instrumentation, Ontology And The Placebo Effect
by Hannah Drayson 

Mnemosyne Moving Image
by Amanda Egbe 

Moon Vehicle: Reflections From An Artist-Led Childrens Workshop On The Chandrayaan-1 Spacecraft’s Mission To The Moon
by Joanna Griffin (please contact author for copy)

A Hippocratic Intuition For Balance In Warburg’s Mnemosyne Atlas
by Theo Humphries & Stephen Thompson

Visual Arrangements In Duchamp’s Etant Donnes And Warburg’s Mnemosyne
by Kieron Lyons

Cosmopoiesis The Art Of World-Making
by David McConville

Audiovisual Archives and the Public Domain: Economics Of Access, Exclusive Control and the Digital Skew
by Claudy Op den Kamp (please contact author for copy)

Synchrony And The Semi-Material Object
by Michael Punt 

Cognitive, Embodied Or Enacted? Contemporary Perspectives For Hci And Interaction
by Marcio Rocha

Mnemosyne, Metaphor And Theory Of Mind An Imaginative Visual Essay Of Computionalism
by Marcio Rocha

Senescence, Enaction And Technology: On The Need For Movement And Questions In Interaction Design
by John Vines

A Monstrous Rhinoceros (As From Life): Toward (And Beyond) The Epistemological Nature Of The Enacted Pictorial Image 
by Martyn Woodward

The [Unseen] Modernist Eye: Minimalism, Defamiliarization And The Advertising Film
by Martyn Woodward

Eye Gaze As A Vehicle For Aesthetic Interaction: Affective Visualisation For Immersive User Experience
by Brigitta Zics

A Note On Warburg
by Johnathan Zilberg