Zoom Chat Log

Repository of the Zoom call chat logs from seminars and research updates. A wealth of material that might otherwise be lost to time.

Research Updates: 20/05/21

10:44:22 From Amani to Everyone:
11:43:35 From James Sweeting to Everyone:
“Rules do not exist to bind you. They exist so you may know your freedoms”
11:44:35 From Hannah Drayson to Everyone:
We’ve opened a massive ethical discussion here
11:45:08 From Johara Bellali to Everyone:
Amartya Sen is the one who talks about what you said Hannah : freedom from and Freedom of
11:45:24 From Hannah Drayson to Everyone:
Thanks Johara – perhaps you told us this!
12:09:06 From Laura Welsman to Everyone:
people like Mona Hatoum maybe
12:14:42 From Hannah Drayson to Everyone:
We’ve been told for years that the capitalist free market is a self-correcting perpetual growth machine in which sellers always find buyers, precluding any major crisis in the system. Then the credit crunch of August 2007 turned into the great crash of September-October 2008, leading one apologist for the system, Willem Buiter, to write of “the end of capitalism as we knew it.”

As the crisis unfolded, the world witnessed the way in which the runaway speculation of the "shadow" banking system wreaked havoc on world markets, leaving real human devastation in its wake. Faced with the financial crisis, some economic commentators began to talk of "zombie banks"-financial institutions that were in an "undead state" and incapable of fulfilling any positive function but a threat to everything else. What they do not realize is that twenty-first century capitalism as a whole is a zombie system, seemingly dead when it comes to achieving human goals.

12:16:48 From Laura Welsman to Everyone:
This sounds along the lines of Capitalist Realism by Mark Fisher – if you’re reading Hauntology he will definitely have done the work linking these up
12:17:02 From Laura Welsman to Everyone:
ah you might have read it based on what you’ve just said!
12:19:06 From Hannah Drayson to Everyone:
12:19:47 From Hannah Drayson to Everyone:
That might have some helpful points
12:23:18 From Hannah Drayson to Everyone:
Don Ihde

Seminar: 19/05/24

13:57:33 From Agi Haines to Everyone:
You probably know this site already Laura but this google arts and culture map might be an interesting reference, also fun to look through! https://artsexperiments.withgoogle.com/tsnemap/#2468.78,862.06,2105.72,368.64,0.00,-113.87
14:15:10 From Laura Welsman to Everyone:
thanks Agi!
14:42:47 From Hannah Drayson to Everyone:
Warburg’s Mnemosyne atlas is probably worth looking at the same time https://warburg.library.cornell.edu/panel/b
14:43:11 From Agi Haines to Everyone:

Research Updates: 22/04/21

10:22:17 From Stephanie Moran to Everyone : https://thebaffler.com/latest/mass-hipgnosis-woodall
10:44:36 From michaelpunt to Everyone : Dale Spender women and Mirror
11:16:55 From Lucinda Guy to Everyone : https://www.soundartradio.org.uk/services/radio-production/stellaria-media/futures-on-air/
11:57:47 From Johara to Everyone : what app is that?
11:57:57 From Becalelis Brodskis to Everyone : Scrivner
11:58:05 From Johara to Everyone : thanks
12:03:03 From Hannah Drayson to Everyone : https://www.literatureandlatte.com/scrivener/overview
12:48:21 From Hannah Drayson to Everyone : https://www.dropbox.com/s/b7vjsatmcyngzce/REVISING.pdf?dl=0

Research Updates: 01/04/21

10:01:32 From James Sweeting to Hannah Drayson(Direct Message) : Thanks for sending the new link to the recording, it works!
10:01:54 From Hannah Drayson to James Sweeting(Direct Message) : Great
10:11:17 From Edith Doove to Everyone : https://www.ipercubo.eu/works/yolande-harris/from-a-whales-back2/
10:39:50 From Stephanie Moran to Everyone : https://www.emmahart.info/to-do
10:54:54 From Michael Punt to Everyone : Flow theory https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mihaly_Csikszentmihalyi
11:11:16 From Hannah Drayson to Everyone : Bohme, Gernot. (2017) Atmospheric Architectures. London. Bloomsbury
11:11:53 From Michael Punt to Everyone : https://ejcj.orfaleacenter.ucsb.edu/wp-content/uploads/2017/06/1972.-Gregory-Bateson-Steps-to-an-Ecology-of-Mind.pdf
11:11:55 From Joanne Dorothea-Smith to Everyone : https://www.amazon.co.uk/Life-Edge-Coming-Quantum-Biology/dp/0307986829
11:18:43 From Michael Punt to Everyone : https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jean-Marie_Schaeffer
11:22:59 From Stephanie Moran to Everyone : Les Troubles du Récit – Schaeffer
11:23:26 From Edith Doove to Everyone : https://www.leonardo.info/civicrm/event/info?reset=1&id=616
11:24:11 From Michael Punt to Everyone : https://www.leonardo.info/review/2020/12/les-troubles-du-recit-pour-une-nouvelle-approche-des-processus-narratifs
11:50:50 From James Sweeting to Everyone : I mentioned flow theory with my Chinese students on Monday
11:54:20 From Michael Punt to Everyone : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Lover_(Duras_novel)
11:56:57 From Stephanie Moran to Everyone : https://bloomsburyliterarystudies.typepad.com/continuum-literary-studie/2012/03/lecriture-feminine.html
11:57:00 From Hannah Drayson to Everyone : Rosalind Coward – Our Treacherous Hearts. https://www.google.co.uk/books/edition/Our_Treacherous_Hearts/h3gtOAAACAAJ?hl=en
11:57:02 From Stephanie Moran to Everyone : Cixous
11:58:56 From Stephanie Moran to Everyone : Toril Moi – Sexual/Textual Politics (1985)
12:01:39 From Sarah to Everyone : https://www.academia.edu/4600726/The_Essential_Feminist_Reader_Modern_Library_Classics
12:02:20 From Johara (she/her) to Everyone : Thank you all so much!
12:09:57 From Hannah Drayson to Everyone : Here’s the reader I mentioned: Margaret Lock (ed.), (2007) Judith Farquhar (ed.) Beyond the Body Proper Reading the Anthropology of Material Life. Durham and London. Duke University Press
12:10:34 From Sarah to Everyone : Susan George How the other half dies
12:15:15 From Michael Punt to Everyone : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Altruism
12:28:50 From Sarah to Everyone : Harold Bloom The Anxiety of Influence
12:35:12 From Joanne Dorothea-Smith to Everyone : https://store.steampowered.com/app/475090/Project_Remedium/
12:39:43 From Joanne Dorothea-Smith to Everyone : https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/av/technology-18173263
12:39:55 From Joanne Dorothea-Smith to Everyone : Digital anatomy table….

Research Updates: 04/03/21

10:05:39 From Hannah Drayson to Everyone : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7abCEq0Qla4
10:05:46 From Hannah Drayson to Everyone : Jan Swankmajer
10:05:57 From Hannah Drayson to Everyone : Jan Svankmajer
10:06:37 From Michael Punt to Everyone : starevitch
10:08:45 From Edith Doove to Everyone : Before I forget – only limited availability until End of today. Interesting animation in the first two minutes already. Laurie Anderson’s First Norton Lecture – https://youtu.be/2zUEroBzyv8
10:21:16 From Stephanie Moran to Everyone : Blockchain Chicken Farm by Xioawei Wang
10:21:37 From Stephanie Moran to Everyone : * Xiaowei
10:25:55 From Hannah Drayson to Everyone : Dean Spanley – sort story
10:27:52 From Michael Punt to Everyone : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dean_Spanley
10:31:00 From Hannah Drayson to Everyone : Roger Scruton – Short book on Spinzoa
10:38:31 From Michael Punt to Everyone : Stephen Shapin history of science
10:40:34 From Hannah Drayson to Everyone : https://www.journals.uchicago.edu/doi/abs/10.1086/356281
10:41:20 From Hannah Drayson to Everyone : Gaston Bachelard, Subversive Humanist
Texts and Readings
By Mary McAllester Jones, Gaston Bachelard · 1991
10:47:10 From Hannah Drayson to Everyone : Zotero bibliographic tool
10:47:31 From James Sweeting to Everyone : I use Mendeley which is very similar
11:24:39 From Edith Doove to Everyone : Sorry, I need to start cooking lunch. I will stay listening in but will be active in the background.
11:40:05 From lzhang12 to Everyone : I am back, but the camera is broken again…
11:46:29 From Amani Alsaad to Everyone : On identity by Amin Maalouf
11:54:01 From James Sweeting to Everyone : I’m kind of doing similar with 1984
12:36:42 From James Sweeting to Everyone : The new series is all on iplayer
12:37:38 From James Sweeting to Everyone : https://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/episodes/p093wp6h/cant-get-you-out-of-my-head
12:39:03 From Stephanie Moran to Everyone : On Youtube here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MHFrhIAj0ME
12:45:07 From RitaC to Everyone : What’s the book, Hannah?
12:47:15 From Hannah Drayson to Everyone : The necessity of experience – Edward reed
12:56:32 From James Sweeting to Everyone : I don’t know if this goes beyond what you’re looking at? But have digital cameras become a middle ground between the analogue and cameras on mobile phones?
12:57:21 From Hannah Drayson to Everyone : There’s a book called ‘when biometrics fail’
12:58:16 From Joanne Dorothea-Smith to Everyone : Thanks everyone

Research Updates: 04/02/21

10:12:28 From Michael Punt to Everyone : https://criticalposthumanism.net/new-materialisms/#:~:text=%E2%80%9CNew%20materialism%E2%80%9D%20is%20a%20term,in%20much%20of%20cultural%20theory.
10:12:56 From Stephanie Moran to Everyone : VNS Matrix
10:12:59 From Michael Punt to Everyone : https://www.dukeupress.edu/new-materialisms
10:13:17 From Stephanie Moran to Everyone : https://www.upress.umn.edu/book-division/books/the-matrixial-borderspace
10:14:18 From Stephanie Moran to Everyone : https://vnsmatrix.net
10:22:47 From Laura Welsman to Everyone : could you put his name in the chat pls Sarah?
10:23:00 From Hannah Drayson to Everyone : Gaston Bachelard
10:23:02 From Sarah to Everyone : gaston bachelard
10:23:11 From Laura Welsman to Everyone : thank you
10:34:00 From Hannah Drayson to Everyone : Shigehisa Kuriyama, the expressiveness of the body
10:38:25 From Hannah Drayson to Everyone : Roy Porter, The greatest benefit to mankind
10:39:02 From Michael Punt to Everyone : https://www.dukeupress.edu/new-materialisms
10:58:56 From Michael Punt to Everyone : http://www-cdr.stanford.edu/intuition/Slough.html
11:07:10 From Hannah Drayson to Everyone : Carolyn Marvin – Raw Data is an Oxymoron
11:14:46 From Becalelis Brodskis to Everyone : A very graphic design led MFA Thesis
The Application of Archiving and Mapping strategies
Simplifying Complex Information Structures in the design of
prescription drug labeling

link takes you to download
11:36:07 From RitaC to Everyone : https://www.oxfordhandbooks.com/view/10.1093/oxfordhb/9780190464745.001.0001/oxfordhb-9780190464745
12:38:30 From Stephanie Moran to Everyone : Csicsery-Ronay https://www.depauw.edu/sfs/backissues/55/icr55art.htm
12:47:09 From Linan Zhang to Everyone : Objectivity by Lorraine Daston & Peter Falison
12:47:14 From Linan Zhang to Everyone : Galison*
12:47:42 From Hannah Drayson to Everyone : https://www.dropbox.com/s/c7njlvu1ul9r2sy/Daston%20and%20Galison%20%281992%29%20The%20Image%20of%20Objectivity.pdf?dl=0
12:49:04 From Becalelis Brodskis to Everyone : https://lynnblackblog.files.wordpress.com/2017/05/daston_objectivity.pdf
12:50:07 From Linan Zhang to Everyone : Thanks Bec!

Research Seminar 3/3/21

13:04:57 From Anna Walker to Everyone : My computer has downloaded new software, which conflicts with Zoom leaving me voiceless. But I can hear everything 🙂
13:07:54 From Karen Squire to Everyone : i’m here!!
13:30:07 From Hannah Drayson to Sarah(Direct Message) : That’s 20 minutes so far Sarah
13:50:24 From Anna Walker to Everyone : On Being Blue, A philosophical Inquiry
13:50:39 From Anna Walker to Everyone : William H Gass
13:51:25 From Anna Walker to Everyone : Rebecca Solnit, A Field Guide of Getting Lost… blue is the distance of desire that we never reach
13:53:44 From Edith Doove to Everyone : Jacquelynn Baas – Marcel Duchamp and the Art of Life; Alexandra David-Néel – Immortalité et reincarnation – possibly translated – imported link between buddhism and Paris
13:54:53 From James Sweeting to Everyone : Apologies I have a meeting to go to… But thank you Sarah for your talk, good demonstration of points.
13:55:27 From Karen Squire to Everyone : I need to go back to class, I’ve made lots of notes though and will drop you an email later this avo. I’ve got a book on Hindu Tantra Art that could be relevant
13:58:06 From Becalelis Brodskis to Everyone : Thank you Sarah I also have to leave
14:03:19 From Jane Hutchinson to Everyone : Sorry for leaving early. Reluctant to go but it’s my turn for the Covid jab. J
14:07:47 From Anna Walker to Everyone : The God of Death, in the Mahabharata, he became death, because he was the first man to die, is Yama… And he is blue.
14:21:17 From Laura Welsman to Everyone : Apologies I have a lecture now – thank you Sarah
14:24:24 From mona nasser (she/her) to Everyone : A random piece of information – there is a translation of mahabaharata in Farsi that is a direct translation of Sanskrit to farsi. The person who translated is was a quite religious and was uncomfortable to translate the word “sex” directly so instead of saying they have sex – he translated each scenario as they “talked together” which made reading mahabaharatea quite unusual.
14:30:38 From Anna Walker to Everyone : That’s funny Mona 🙂
14:48:27 From Sarah to Hannah Drayson(Direct Message) : can you put the name in the chat please Rita?
14:52:04 From Agi Haines to Everyone : Not sure if this is connected at all but if you haven’t seen this Sarah —> I love this article about finding blue pigment in a woman’s teeth from licking brushes when painting religious manuscripts https://www.smithsonianmag.com/smart-news/blue-pigments-medieval-womans-teeth-suggest-she-was-highly-skilled-artist-180971232/
14:53:36 From RitaC to Everyone : Yasunari Kawabata, Palm-of-the-Handb Stories
14:57:27 From Hannah Drayson to Everyone : Objectivity, by Daston and Galison,
14:59:22 From Anna Walker to Everyone : St Paddy’s day 🙂
15:00:35 From Anna Walker to Everyone : You could do a performance piece