Dr. Claudia Loch

Transtechnology Research,
Room B312 Portland Square,
University of Plymouth,
Drake Circus,Plymouth,
PL4 8AA.


Claudia is a member of the Transtechnology Research group. Ph.D. candidate in Art & Technology at the Programa de Pós Graduação da Universidade de Brasília (Art Post-Graduation Program, University of Brasília – PPGART/UnB) funded by CAPES (From graffiti to urban cyberintervention). Master´s degree in Visual Arts by Universidade Federal de Santa Maria at Rio Grande do Sul (University of Santa Maria – UFSM), with the dissertation From labyrinth of urbis to cyberspace: a digital poetics. Claudia is member of the Laboratório de Pesquisa em Arte (Laboratory of  Research  in Art – LABart/UFSM), and also of the MídiaLab Laboratório de Pesquisa em Arte Computacional (Research Laboratory of Computer Art – MídiaLab/UnB). Degree in Visual Arts (UFSM). Participation in the research Ciurbi: urban interactive cyberintervention (Coordination  Suzette  Venturelli  /  Award Conexão Artes Visuais  2010). Award at the Contemporary Art contest of  Mato Grosso do  Sul (2009), with the participation of works included on the collection of the museum MARCO. Claudia taught during two years at UnB, funded by REUNI/CAPES.

This theoretical-practical research assumes that the urban cyberintervention (ciurbi), in the context of the information age, is an artistic activist action, that modifies in real time the routine in an interactive and colaborative way. The thesis demonstrates that artistic actions can colaborate on the transformation of social behaviors, by the computing media, that allow numerous colective actions, that are interess of social comunities as graffiti and hip-hop. Thus, this research is infuenced by the sociologic art, a french artistic movement of the 70’s, from manifests written by por Fred Forest, Hervé Fischer and Jean-Paul Thénot, known as the Manifest of Comunication’s Aesthetics. The thesis were developed from urban interventions called ciurbi. Record of the actions, interviews with the interactors and the analysis of the results are presented. The practical work uses a few repeated characteristics, such as performing activities related to urban intervention and the use of photography and video recording media. In the methodological development resort of the concepts delimited during the practice, weaving some relationships with the field of media art in general and specifically with the computer art. The terms emerge from the practical procedures and are tested in theoretic field, then, they are tested again in practice trials. The result are three major ciurbis, inserted in the context of computer art, proposing a particular approach on aspects of urban cyber-intervention.
