Professor Stephen Partridge

Stephen Partridge is an artist and academic researcher. He is the principal investigator on the research projects REWIND and REWINDItalia which have been awarded successive grants in 2004, 2008 and 2011 from the AHRC, and in 2012 the Royal Society of Edinburgh. Currently is co-investigator on the AHRC-funded European Womens’ Video Art (EWVA) research project, led by his colleague Prof. Elaine Shemilt, and Richard Demarco | The Italian Connection, also funded by the AHRC.

He was in the landmark video shows of the 1970s including The Video Show at the Serpentine in 1975, The Installation Showat the Tate gallery in 1976, Paris Biennalle de Jeunes in 1977 and a solo exhibition at The Kitchen in New York in 1979. During the eighties he exhibited widely and also became interested in works for broadcast television and was commissioned by Channel 4 television to produce Dialogue for Two Playersin 1984. With Jane Rigby, he formed Fields and Frames Ltd – an arts projects, and television production company which produced the innovative Television Interventionsproject for Channel 4 in 1990, with nineteen works by artists for television (including his own piece in the series – The Sounds of These Words. He also co-produced a short series of student and artists work, Not Necessarily, with BBC Scotland for BBC2 network television in 1991. He has curated a number of influential video shows: Video Art 78in Coventry; UK TV New York; National Review of Live Art1988-90; 19:4:90 Television Interventions; and the touring tape packages Made in Scotland I, II, Semblances, Passages.His seminal artwork Monitor (1974) was acquired by TATE Britain in December 2014 and is currently on show as part of the permanent collection in A Walk through 500 years of British Art.

He has worked with the artist and composer David Cunningham, whose sound-works and structural approach has enriched many of his works since 1974. Other major collaborations include the artist Elaine Shemilt on a series of works including the installations ChimeraRushQuattro Minuti di Mezzogiorno.  

He established the School of Television & Imaging at Duncan of Jordanstone College of Art & Design (University of Dundee), and was Professor of Media Art and Dean of Research from 2000-2017. He is currently a Professor in the Transtechnology Research Group at University of Plymouth

He has experience of peer review and evaluation for the AHRC, Arts Council, Channel 4, the Scottish Arts Council, Scottish Screen, SAC Lottery, Creative Scotland Awards. From 2004-2007, he was a member of the AHRC Research Committee and Convener of AHRC Panel 2 Visual Arts & Media. Member of the International Review Panel for HERA (Humanities in the European Research Area) and its Joint Research Programme “Humanities as a Source of Creativity and Innovation” (2009- 2013); Assessor for the Portuguese Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia in 20014 and 2018. Ludwig Boltzmann Gesellschaft Research Foundation Vienna, Expert Reviewer 2009, Govt of Hong King University Grants Committee Research Assessment Exercise 2014. He was a member of Panel B Evaluation Panel for the Scottish Graduate School of Arts & Humanities 2014-17.

In 2017 he established his University Research Consultancy and is advising Universities of Leeds, Canterbury Christ Church, Northumbria, Edinburgh, Herfordshire, Bournemouth, Greenwich, Kingston, Plymouth, and Honk Kong University of the Arts.

He is an interdisciplinary panel member for the UKRI REF2021 and was a member of the REF 2014, UoA 34 Sub Panel for Art & Design: History, Practice and Theory.

Education: Maidstone College of Art 1972-75;
Royal College of Art 1975-76

Academic Service

DJCAD Senior Management Team; University of Dundee Research & K.E. Committee 1996-2017

Research grants/awards gained since 2001:

Scottish Enterprise Tayside, Infrastructure Grant, Centre for Digital Imaging, £49,210, 2001

Visual Arts Data Service, Curation and digitisation for National Fine Art Education Digital Collection, £3,000, 2002

Scottish Enterprise Tayside, Infrastructure Grant, Incubator Unit, £50,000, 2002

Scottish Enterprise Tayside, Infrastructure Grant, Arius 3D Studio, £75,000, 2002

SHEFC, SRIF2 Grant, Refurbishment/re-equipping of Visual Research Centre, £300,000, 2003.

AHRC Research Grant for REWIND, £433,350, 2003. 

SHEFC, Small-Scale Research Pooling Feasibility Study, £35,000, 2005

AHRC Research Award (C.I), Narratives in Expanded Cinema2006

AHRC Research Leave (£63,000), 2008

EU Interreg Programme for Visual Effects Research Lab(€900,000), 2009

Scottish Arts Council, Visual FX for Artists, £30,000, 2010

AHRC BGP Capacity PhD Block Grant 2010 (4 full Scholarships)

AHRC Research Award for REWINDItalia, £219,000, 2011

Southern Screen Production Award forInnovation Shorts, (£80k) 2012

Royal Society of Edinburgh, Caledonian European Fellowship 2012

Leverhulme Early Career Fellowship, Celluloid Film Futures(Dr Emile Shemilt), £74k 2014 

AHRC Follow on Fund Award for public engagement with new Audiences, TV21, (£30k) 2014

AHRC Research Award, EWVA European Women’s Video Art,  (C.I.) £290k, led by Prof. Elaine Shemilt, DJCAD, 2014

AHRC Research Award, Demarco | The Italian Connection, (C.I.) £240k, led by Prof. Elaine Shemilt, DJCAD, 2017

Organisations, Panels, Committee Service

Founder member of London Video Arts in 1976. Secretary from 1977-79

Panel member of Channel4 TV/ Arts Council of GB New Directors Scheme 1987; 

Scottish Film Training Trust 1991-3; 

Consultant to Arts 2000 project Scottish Arts Council

Jury Member of the Locarno Film & Video Festival 1996

External Assessor for New Directions/National Lottery, Scottish Arts Council 1997-1998 

CHEAD Research Committee 2002-5

Expert Reviewer European FP6 and FP7 and Horizon 2020

Advisor to Arts Council of England, Combined Arts 1989-1998

Company Director of Dundee Contemporary Arts Ltd (1997-2012) & Peacock Visual Arts Ltd 2000-05

Convener AHRC Panel 2, Visual Arts & AHRC Research Committee 2004-7

Reviewer for Leonardo Journal and College Arts Association Journal

Member of Kulturproject Steering Group

AHRC Nominations Committee 2007-9

HERA Evaluation Panel Member 2008-10

Ludwig Boltzmann Gesellschaft Research Foundation Vienna, Expert Reviewer 2009

Govt of Hong King University Grants Committee Research Assessment Exercise 2014

ISEA peer reviewer 2009,2015

REF2014 Art & Design Sub Panel 34, Art & Design: History, Practice and Theory

Expert REF advisor to Bournemouth University and the Centre for Practice-based Research in the Arts, Canterbury Christ Church University

SGSAH Panel B Evaluation Member 2017

External Examiner for PhDs at University of Westminster, Plymouth 2017, University of the West of England 2019.

Works in the Collections of:

Tate London, ZKM Mediathek Karlsrhue Germany, Donnel Film Library New York, Lanchester Polytechnic Library
, Brighton Polytechnic Library
, Sheffield Polytechnic Library
, Arnolfini Gallery Video Library
, Arts Council of Great Britain
, Jan Van Eyck Academy Maastricht Netherlands
, The British Council
, Midland Group Nottingham
, Humberside University Film & Video Library, Museum of Modern Art Video Archive New York
, Walter Phillips Gallery Alberta Canada, Phoenix Video Torino Italy
, Newcastle Polytechnic Library
, Museum of the Moving Image London
, FRAC Limousin France

, National Gallery of Canada
