Zinnia Wang

Transtechnology Research,
University of Plymouth,
Drake Circus,

I am currently a PhD researcher with Transtechnology Research in the Faculty of Arts, Design, and Architecture (ADA) at Plymouth University.

a. a published paper (2013)Research on Factors Affecting Tacit Knowledge Transfer in Mentoring Programs in the SCI journal Soft Science. The paper examined the transfer of tacit knowledge within ‘master-apprentice’ relationships in knowledge-intensive enterprises, based on empirical research.

b. a published paper (2012)Research on the Micro Processes of Tacit Knowledge Transfer in Enterprise Mentorship Systems in the SCI journal Information Studies: Theory & Application. The paper draws on SECI knowledge theory and organizational learning theory to offer an description of the process of knowledge transfer between master and apprentice.

c. worked as a curator for (2023)Maize Maze: immortality experiment, a thematic and collaborative contemporary art exhibition @ Copeland Gallery, London. the exhibition reviewed by china minutes.

d. worked as an assistant curator for (2023)Through the Garden Gate, a contemporary jewellery exhibition @ Zhijian Gallery, Shanghai.

e. worked as a curator for (2021)Perception知否, a contemporary art exhibition @ Koppel Gallery, Oxford Street, London.


Zinnia (Xiaorong) Wang explores the intersection of art, technology, and aesthetic perception. Her current works focus on incorporating VR technology into visual arts and performative arts. Her interdisciplinary practice spans visual and cultural arts (as curator and director), design (as a jewellery designer), and dance (as a performer), through art exhibitions, cultural performance events, and collaborative projects (PMP).

email: zinniawang023@gmail.com