Click here for the Summer School info and logistics sheet…
Click here for the Amazing Field Summer School Brief
History of the Amazing Field…
December 2008-April 2009
At Molenick, on the Port Eliot Estate there is a field that at first sight appears to be a neglected patch of random agricultural land. On closer inspection this field is the site of the remains of an ancient circle and apparently random lumps of earth begin to reveal an underlying intelligence to the topography. On wider inspection the whole landscape as far as the eye can see is connected to this mound through sight-lines and other archaeological features. On top of this field is another field: an apparently random microwave field of communication networks. This too, on wider inspection, is connected to the wider area.
Bianca Eliot, the current owner of these two fields, has invited multidisciplinary teams to submit artworks to join these two fields. During the next six months a number of artists are invited to work with a nominated collaborator from another discipline to produce small-scale artworks which can be circulated to a wide audience through mobile phone technologies.
Each team of two collaborators, one artist and another from a different discipline will be invited to stay for three days (two nights) at her house to scope the project and undertake the preliminary research. Guest accommodation will be provided and there will be a small caravan in the field to be used as a studio during the brief residency.
Participants: Dr Martha Blassnigg, Hannah Drayson, Len Massey, Isobel Taylor, John Vines and Dr Brigitta Zics.